40th Anniversary
Pirates Celebration of
Dia de los Muertos
Day of the Dead
November 1, 2023
Altars, Pinata's and Aztec Dancers
Art created by local students
show dates
October 18 to November 03, 2024
Día de los Muertos officially is held on November 2nd, with celebrations beginning on November 1, Día de Muertos Chiquitos--The Day of the Little Dead also All Saints Day, and continuing on November 2, All Souls Day. At Pirate, we celebrate the first Friday nearest the 2nd. It is a joyous occasion when the memory of ancestors and the continuity of life is celebrated. It is believed that at this time the souls of the departed return to visit the living. It is not a time of mourning since "the path back to the living world must not be made slippery by tears". Its roots are in ancient Mexico but it is celebrated in many North, Central, and South American countries. Specifics of the celebration vary with region, but one of the most common customs is the making of elaborate altars to welcome departed spirits home. Alters ofrecetas are set up in the home with offerings of sweets and the favorite foods and beverages of the deceased. These offerings may later be given away or consumed by the living after their essence has been enjoyed by the dead. Marigolds are the traditional decorative flower and copal is the traditional incense made from the resin of the copal tree. Festivities also frequently include traditional foods such as pan de muerto (bread of the dead), which can conceal a miniature skeleton. It is a mixture of indigenous and Catholic traditions and includes gathering at cemeteries for the cleaning and decoration of the grave sites and socializing. The manner of celebration varies regionally with folkloric traditions being particularly strong in Oaxaca where there is a substantial indigenous population.

Important Dates & information
Show dates are October 18 - November 03, 2024
Schools (ASAP)~ Get hold of us early to reserve a space
If you would like to create an altar for our celebration,
please contact us early in order to reserve a space.
Set up of altars is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 15 from 6-8pm. If you would like to set up an altar please RSVP with an email to pirateart3@gmail.com. Include your name, phone number, and email address (contact info). When you arrive on Tuesday evening be sure to sign in with a Pirate member and you will be designated a space for exhibiting.
October 15 ~ Drop-off for schools and Install of altars from 6 to 8 pm
~ Friday November 1, 6 to 10pm Big Opening Reception! with Aztec Dancers adult and children pinatas, candlelight procession and fire dancers
Times are approximate
6 to 6:30 - Kids Pinata
7:00 - Aztec Dancers
7:30 - 8:00 Procession
8:30 or 9:00 - Adults Pinata
November 03, 5:00 to 7:00pm pick-up work
Pirate hours are Friday 6 to 10 Sat & Sun Noon to 5pm
contact us at Pirateart3@gmail.com